Thursday, February 4, 2010

General Nil Movie Does Obama Want The Economy To Recover?

Does Obama want the economy to recover? - general nil movie

It seems to me, and people who really understand the economy and everything he had done wrong only in the economy in the short term and long term.

How can the economy recover, if it get any new taxes?
As the economy may be resumed if the general pubic has less money to spend on products?
Why the urgency for higher education and training at zero station, if the probability of finding a job today? The work has been and will never be such a policy, such as the CAP and the profitability and trade, why should we support?


Ally 2 said...

Obama wants the economy recovers. He thinks he can make a world of pink too. His problem is he never unatainable big as his dreams, and what he wants, is not paid.

He is the epitome of the country, cut off your nose despite our face.

Elvis Presley has it best: "Fools Rush In," and Obama is the stupidest of all.

G D [Shorty] m said...

He tries to put his agenda passed, mo matter what or who it hurts, it must pay for their sponsors who have elected them, and do not understand that if we are the taxes on businesses elsewhere for their Help turn to take a greater profit, and if we can do our work to support it if Woud allow lower taxes and that our free market system to develop, create jobs, as such, but this creates problems for Gov 't solutions to create and maintain more power than they already

zapzap said...

Unless it is clear now that a rats azz could be less. It's one of those people who say, "Hey is that the money I have a blank check," .. It will now fill the left and right. Almost everything we buy is, overseas ... does nothing to boost the economy here. I wonder when I see that the Democrats are nothing more than a phuck up.

Loser said...

Abracadabra Do not you think? The cap and trade "will solve all the problems (never forget that Spain gave it). Green jobs, yes, part-time jobs for you.

Loser said...

Abracadabra Do not you think? The cap and trade "will solve all the problems (never forget that Spain gave it). Green jobs, yes, part-time jobs for you.

dlk said...

It will not be there when the jobs these people are qualified to repay themselves with thousands of new loans. I do not think this government is to destroy completely our economy so that it can work in a communist state.

Well Duh! said...

If a head of household away from Obama, I want a divorce. We 0bama divorce.

piepound... said...

See the movie 1984th

Dude said...

Yes, but his liberal ideas on how to fix it made things worse!

Stuart H said...

She looks like!

dinodino said...

Yes, I think he wants to be reelected.

jamie said...

No, not dependent on him

Bekindto... said...

Bill Clinton signed the United Nations 21st This was to save the planet because of global warming through carbon emissions, peace through total interdependence among nations is based, and the spread of prosperity of a country whose population lives on 1 Dollar or less per day. Please note that you are totally dependent on other countries for our economy to collapse to preserve.

Europe is already on the CAP and trade, universal health care, the less risk of a pandemic is to exterminate the population that we have the globalization, immigration, condominiums in urban areas so that people can use public transportation, etc.

If the G8 and the G20 meeting in the general administration and others from the IMF and control issues of world trade created. You may have heard, held that eminent domain has a different approach in this country, and are taken into account so that the people of property for reasons far more than in the past. Utilized agricultural area is controlled by the government and people live in urban areas for transportation purposes. We need non-renewable energy consumption by 80%. ImagiDo it.

This plan seems to be the joint program of the Obama presidency. Al Gore says he will "result in global governance. The intention is to end the sovereignty of nations and the result is total control over all nations. Also, the lists of volunteers as Obama speaks.

I think the intent is that the collapse of our economy may be a global currency. The American people will never allow to happen like that. Only happen if we totally depend on the government. Sound crazy? Read UN Agenda 21 and was told that this is not exactly what offers the citizens of the world, hope and change and the spread of prosperity. Please change your mind.

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