Sunday, February 7, 2010

Perforated Colon Malpractice If A Doctor Perforates Your Colon During A Colonoscopy, Is That Grounds For A Malpractice Suit?

If a doctor perforates your colon during a colonoscopy, is that grounds for a malpractice suit? - perforated colon malpractice

After an emergency operation was performed, and thus formed a blood clot in the popliteal fossa, and therefore the patient is no guarantee that dissolves blood clots coumadin

1 comment:

lignebur... said...

No, because the patient was informed about the procedure and that the risk of what might happen, and the procedure for the patient must have a signed form stating they understood the instructions. However due to gross negligence, that someone can sue for negligence, and in this case a normal risk and the occurrence of this type of procedure could.

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