Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Cervical Radiculopathy Treatment More Condition_symptoms Is It Possible To Have Cervical Radiculopathy From Herniated Discs And Not Have Neck Pain?

Is it possible to have cervical radiculopathy from herniated discs and not have neck pain? - cervical radiculopathy treatment more condition_symptoms

I have a rotor cuff and carpal tunnel, but the overall picture of pain was never bad. And now my hand and index finger is tingling, in fact, the index was numb and burns badly. Your PCP provides chiropractic or acupuncture as a treatment method. BTW, have repeatedly tried to physical therapy, and only aggravated conditions.


B H said...

It is rare that prevent cervical radiculopathy neck pain. The pressure on a nerve pinched push against the bone, nerves and the sensory fibers of the protest. It is, in general, spasms of the neck muscles, pain, if you. None reported that they have a these symptoms and therefore doubt that the pain in the neck.

But there is enough information to really try to locate the source of the pain. What I can say is that the numbness in the fingers is a worrying sign - especially if it still exists. It is proposed that there will be permanent nerve damage. I suggest, because things do not improve, a referral to a neurologist. A neurologist can do nerve conduction studies to determine where the actual site of nerve injury.

It may be in the wrist or carpal tunnel. But you say that you tore your rotator cuff and I'm really more concerned that she has also canceled the nerves for the injury. The nerve is torn brachial plexus injury and nerve-torn known aboutn are anywhere from the shoulder to the neck and trapezius.

gillianp... said...

Radiculopathy is not a specific condition, but a description of a problem) in which one or more nerves are affected and not function properly (neuropathy. The focus is on the nerve root (radix put "=" root "). This can lead to pain () radicular pain, weakness, numbness or difficulty controlling specific muscles.
In radiculopathy, the problem is in the vicinity of the nerve root, along the spine. However, pain may occur, or other symptoms in one end by a process called referred pain. For example, a nerve root compression can in neck pain and weakness in the forearm.
However, you do not have pain in the neck, which is unusual for herniated discs in the neck? However, the problem is the finger of nerves, the shoulder, elbow or wrist, the case will be affected causing! I would go for a test of nerves and show the behavior when the problem of the nerve, neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist. Good luck

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